But its not a super horrible program thats going to shorten the life of your PC. I am also in the camp of I would rather have a separate RGB app to control the Mystic Lights feature, but thats because I dont need to over clock and use another fan app that lets me also control the fans RBG and the curves.

Actually really nifty if you need something like that. It wont run your system at max clock or change your bios unless you tell it to. So you can just deselect a user profile and it goes to your normal Bios setting.

That means it has to override your settings to change them. There is no logic in counting it against the software when that is its whole point. I don't have a problem with it because 1: The software was DESIGNED to change your settings for you on the fly, to switch between 100% fans and max overclock in the gaming mode and back to silent idle if you want it to. People don't like this, as they can already do that ion bios themselves and 1: View it as bloat, a unneeded program that takes up resources to do what the PC can do already while coming bundled with other modules they don't need or want and 2: Takes control of all the user setting upon installation. To answer the questions about all the negative comments, which the commenters never actually gave an answer, is that Dragon Center overrides everything on you Bios/PC. If you want to control everything from Dragon Center alone you can. Same with the CPU, which uses separate settings than the main quick profiles which will automatically control your clock if selected. If I turn on the "Fan" setting for software control, then Dragon Center takes control of the fans and applies the fan curves from the Dragon Center App. For example, I use the thermal take program to control my fan speeds. The software control mode lets you override other settings/program with the dragon center software.